Conscious Creation

At Heiida, we are always thinking of ways to be kinder and responsible to Mother Earth, and are fully committed to make a positive impact both socially and environmentally in the way our products are produced.

Sustainability, more than just a tagline - to us it is a lifestyle and a promise!


Through our products

We aim to break the cycle of fast and disposable fashion and promote a more ethical and conscious approach of using more and buying less. By wearing your Heiida garments for longer, you can help reduce waste and contribute to a cleaner, greener planet.

It all begins at the design stage where we emphasise the quality of the fabrics. Our fabrics are engineered to withstand shrinkage and to be as durable as possible while always ensuring a high level of comfort. All this is considered while taking into account the environmental impact of producing the fabric and especially the dyeing process.

 Most of our fabrics integrates a waterless technology to dye the fabrics. The whole process of making the textile reduces our energy footprint by 63% and uses 63% less chemical and minimizes water usage by 89% to boot! This advanced technology further ensures that our fabric has amazing color fastness and fade resistance qualities.

Where this waterless dye fabric is not available, we go that extra mile to ensure that the fabric is dyed in the next most efficient manner available. We firmly believe that all that extra work is worthwhile for the sake of the environment and we're sure you agree!

Through the way we do business

At Heiida, we appreciate the amount of work and effort that goes into making our clothes and the workers’ rights and conditions are very important to us.

We select our partners based not just on environmentally friendly practices, but also on human right issues. We require our partners to provide a good and safe working environment, reasonable hours of working, right to living wages, freedom of association, fair and equal treatment, as well as compliance with all the applicable labour laws of their country.

We are proud to have close, transparent and ethical relationships with all our partners and firmly believe in that this closeness, along with our refusal to compromise on beauty, performance and sustainability allows us to provide you, with a better product.